




歌名:Barcelona 巴塞罗那

词曲:[英]Freddie Mercury

演唱:Freddie Mercury,[西班牙]

Montserrat Caballe(卡巴耶)


在整首歌中,Montserrat Caballe将自己对于巴塞罗那的感情完全投入其中,高亢又略带叛逆的气质的嗓音和如同开幕式上的那只箭一般射入人们的心底,而Montserrat Caballe则是用女神特有的韵律让人感受到歌欣赏剧般的美妙。




歌曲故事: 皇后乐队的作品常用做体育歌曲,颇具讽刺意味的是,那首弘扬体育精神的《We are the Champion》却是为歌颂同性恋所作。身为同性恋者的他也付出了最大的代价——生命,1991年Mercury因艾滋病去世,永远失去了在奥运会开幕式上演唱的机会,而卡巴耶也因为知己的离去,拒绝再唱这首歌。


Hand in Hand《手牵手》1988年汉城奥运会主题曲 Barcelona《巴塞罗那》1992年巴塞罗那奥运歌曲 Reach《登峰造极》亚特兰大奥运会开幕式歌曲 Proud《骄傲》1995年伦敦申奥歌曲 Under Southern Skies 悉尼奥运会开幕式歌曲 We'll Be One 悉尼奥运会歌曲 - 天才童声 Dare to Dream2000年悉尼奥运会闭幕式歌曲 Pass the Flame《薪火相传》雅典奥运会歌曲





1. 曲名:巴塞罗那(Barcelona)

词曲:弗雷迪·墨丘里(Freddie Mercury)

演唱:弗雷迪·墨丘里, 蒙特塞拉特·卡巴耶(Montserrat Caballé)

2. 曲名:生命中的朋友(Amigos para siempre)

词:唐·布莱克(Don Black)

曲:安德鲁·罗伊德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)

演唱:莎拉·布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)

何塞·卡雷拉斯( José Carreras) 《巴塞罗那》




墨丘里所在的皇后乐队的作品常用做体育歌曲,颇具讽刺意味的是,那首弘扬体育精神的《We are the Champion》却是为歌颂同性恋所作。身为同性恋者的墨丘里也为此付出了最大的代价——身患艾滋病而失去生命。但是,这首《巴塞罗那》却坚决拒绝了流行乐,回归了古典歌剧。


词曲:弗雷德·墨丘 & 迈克·?莫伦

演唱:弗雷德·墨丘利 & 蒙特塞拉特·卡巴耶


Barcelona Barcelona

Barcelona Barcelona


I had this perfect dream

-Un sueno me envolvio

This dream was me and you

-Tal vez estas aqui

I want all the world to see

-Un instinto me guiaba

A miracle sensation

My guide and inspiration

Now my dream is slowly coming true

The wind is a gentle breeze

-El me hablo de ti

The bells are ringing out

-El canto vuela

They're calling us together

Guiding us forever

Wish my dream would never go away

Barcelona - It was the first time that we met

Barcelona - How can I forget

The moment that you stepped into the room

you took my breath away

Barcelona - La musica vibros

Barcelona - Y ella nos unio

And if God willing we will meet again someday

Let the songs begin

-Dejalo nacer

Let the music play


Make the voices sing

-Nace un gran amor

Start the celebration

-Van a mi

And cry


Come alive


And shake the foundations from the skies

Ah,Ah,Shaking all our lives

Barcelona - Such a beautiful horizon

Barcelona - Like a jewel in the sun

Por ti sere giota de tu bella mar

Barcelona - Suenan las campamas

Barcelona - Abre tus puertas al mundo

If God is willing

-If God is willing

If God is willing

Friends until the end

Viva – Barcelona 《永远的朋友》

《永远的朋友》是1992年巴塞罗那奥运会的主题歌。原名《amigos para siempre》在西班牙语中是“一生的朋友”之意。值得注意的是,这首歌除了题目是西班牙文,歌词部分都是用英文写成的。参与制作这首巴塞罗奥运会那奥运会主题歌的几个人都是大牌。莎拉布莱曼,号称“月光女神”,这位来自英国的歌手横跨世界流行音乐和古典音乐两大领域,而且都有非常高的地位。与莎拉?布莱曼合作演唱的是西班牙的卡雷拉斯,他与帕瓦罗蒂和多明戈一起并称为世界三大男高音。

歌曲的曲作者是英国音乐家韦伯。歌剧“猫”就是他的作品。这首《永远的朋友》则是巴塞罗那奥组委专门邀请韦伯创作的。莎拉·布莱曼和何塞·卡雷拉斯在闭幕式上演唱词歌曲后,此歌曲立即在世界范围内传播,曾经取得过英国流行音乐排行榜(UK charts)第一名的位置。另一首主题曲《Barcelona》位列第二。

Amigos para siempre/永远的朋友


演唱:莎拉·布莱曼 & 何塞·卡雷拉斯

I don’t he to say a word to you

You seem to know

Whatever mood I am going through

Feels as though I he known you forever

You Can look into my eyes and see

The way I feel and how the world is treating me

Maybe I he known you forever

Amigos para siempre means you will always be my friend

Amics per sempre means a love that cannot end

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

I feel you near me even when we are apart

Just knowing you are in this world can warm my heart

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

We share memories I wont forget

And we will share more,My friend,We he not started yet

Something hens when we are together

When I look at you

I wonder why there has to come a time when we must say goodbye

I am alive when we are together

Amigos para siempre means you will always be my friend

Amics per sempre means a love that cannot end

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

I feel you near me even when we are apart

Just knowing you are in this world can warm my heart

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

When I look at you

I wonder why there has to come a time when we must say goodbye

I am alive when we are together

Amigos para siempre means you will always be my friend

Amics per sempre means a love that cannot end

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre I feel you near me even when we are apart

Just knowing you are in this world can warm my heart

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

Amigos para siempre means you will always be my friend

Amics per sempre means a love that cannot end

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre

Amigos para siempre


歌名:Barcelona 巴塞罗那

词曲:[英]Freddie Mercury(弗雷迪·墨丘里)

演唱:Freddie Mercury(弗雷迪·墨丘里),Montserrat Caballe(卡巴耶)


Barcelona Barcelona

Barcelona Barcelona


I had this perfect dream

-Un sueno me envolvio

This dream was me and you

-Tal vez estas aqui

I want all the world to see

-Un instinto me guiaba

A miracle sensation

My guide and inspiration

Now my dream is slowly coming true

The wind is a gentle breeze

-El me hablo de ti

The bells are ringing out

-El canto vuela

They're calling us together

Guiding us forever

Wish my dream would never go away

Barcelona - It was the first time that we met

Barcelona - How can I forget

The moment that you stepped into the room you took my breath away

Barcelona - La musica vibros

Barcelona - Y ella nos unio

And if God willing we will meet again someday

Let the songs begin

-Dejalo nacer

Let the music play


Make the voices sing

-Nace un gran amor

Start the celebration

-Van a mi

And cry


Come alive


And shake the foundations from the skies

Ah,Ah,Shaking all our lives

Barcelona - Such a beautiful horizon

Barcelona - Like a jewel in the sun

Por ti sere giota de tu bella mar

Barcelona - Suenan las campamas

Barcelona - Abre tus puertas al mundo

If God is willing

-If God is willing

If God is willing

Friends until the end

Viva – Barcelona


Barcelona(巴塞罗那)—巴塞罗那奥运会歌曲 下载


《登峰造极》—亚特兰大奥运会主题歌 下载


Return to innocence(回到纯真)—亚特兰大奥运会歌曲 下载


The power of the dream(梦想的力量)—亚特兰大奥运歌曲 下载


The Flame(圣火)—悉尼奥运会主题歌 下载

有些歌曲在特定的场合才能显示其魅力,《圣火》便是这样一首歌曲。在2000年悉尼奥运会前,这首歌 便被推出,但却反应平平,而来到灯火辉煌、亿人瞩目的悉尼奥运会开幕式现场之后,它在一刹那拥有了一 种博大深远的气质。

Dare to dream(敢于梦想)—悉尼奥运会歌曲 下载

在悉尼奥运会的开幕式上,约翰·法纳姆与奥里维利·牛顿引吭高歌的《敢于梦想》和阿姆罗西精彩演 唱的《永远英雄》都给人们留下很深的印象。据葛莱美排行榜统计,这些歌曲制成的歌曲磁带和CD在全球的销量都不错!

Under Southern Skies(南方天空下)—悉尼奥运会歌曲 下载

2000年悉尼奥运会开幕式上,一个小女孩引起了世界的瞩目!随着她的一个梦幻之旅,向世界展示了澳 大利亚的历史!她就是妮基?韦伯斯特!当时,年仅13岁的妮基在悉尼奥运会的开幕式和闭幕式上献歌。

Oceania(海洋)—2004年雅典奥运会主题歌 下载

这是一首无法模仿也难以传唱的歌曲,歌曲所表现出来的有点另类的气质其实是比约克的一贯音乐风格 。它完全区别于体育歌曲的激越高昂,听来更像是一种石破天惊的天籁。它更契合雅典奥运会的寻根意味, 也更接近奥林匹斯山上的众神。

Pass the flame(传递圣火)—雅典奥运会歌曲 下载

这届奥运会真正让人记住的,还是之前火炬传递时的主题歌《传递圣火》。雅典奥运会第一次实现了全 球范围内的火炬传递,而这首非常上口,又很好听的歌曲,也随着奥运圣火传遍了世界









[00:36.12]I had this perfect dream

[00:40.02]-Un sue?o me envolvió

[00:43.05]This dream was me and you

[00:45.15]-Tal vez estás aquí

[00:48.10]I want all the world to see

[00:50.69]-Un instinto me guiaba

[00:53.43]A miracle sensation

[00:56.41]My guide and inspiration

[00:59.49]Now my dream is slowly coming true


[01:10.92]The wind is a gentle breeze

[01:13.46]-él me hablo de ti

[01:21.79]The bells are ringing out

[01:24.51]-El canto vuela

[01:27.32]They're calling us together

[01:30.37]Guiding us forever

[01:32.67]Wish my dream would never go away


[01:42.03]Barcelona - It was the first time that we met

[01:46.99]Barcelona - How can I forget

[01:52.08]The moment that you stepped into the room you took my breath away

[02:00.49]Barcelona - La música vibró

[02:06.21]Barcelona - Y ella nos unió

[02:10.50]And if God willing we will meet again someday


[02:27.41]Let the songs begin

[02:30.01]-Déjalo nacer

[02:32.12]Let the music play


[02:37.59]Make the voices sing

[02:40.24]-Nace un gran amor

[02:42.64]Start the celebration

[02:45.04]-Ven a mí

[02:47.61]And cry


[02:50.14]Come alive


[02:52.58]And shake the foundations from the skies

[02:56.20]Ah,Ah,Shaking all our lives


[03:07.]Barcelona - Such a beautiful horizon

[03:13.06]Barcelona - Like a jewel in the sun

[03:17.39]Por ti seré giota de tu bella mar

[03:26.30]Barcelona - Suenan las campanas

[03:30.80]Barcelona - Abre tus puertas al mundo

[03:35.35]If God is willing

[03:38.66]-If God is willing

[03:40.56]If God is willing

[03:42.87]Friends until the end

[03:46.39]Viva - Barcelona



